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Help yourself to a little space! - a dance duet for big and little

Bitte, nehmen Sie doch etwas Platz!, DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry, dossier3-d-poetry, Marion Dieterle
dossier3-d-poetry, DOSSIER 3-D-Poery, Marion Dieterle, Tanz, Dance, Art, zeitgenössischer Tanz, contemporary dance, Cologne, Köln, Freiburg, performance, objects
Bitte, nehmen Sie doch etwas Platz!, DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry, dossier3-d-poetry, Marion Dietere
Help yourself to a little space! 
- a dance duet for big and little

Human togetherness is an adventure! Loud behavior, stoic perseverance, the better starting position, agility or simply the greater volume - the dancers Oleg Kaufmann and Bryce Kasson use bodies, gestures and body extensions to design different strategies to contend for each other's space. In the struggle to live together, the absurd goes hand in hand with the existential.

How do we occupy our place? How much space does an individual take? What do we perceive as irritation or distress? What stands between us and where we position ourselves? What is it to defend, to displace, to assert? How much distance do we need from one other? Can I be for myself? Where does my body begin?

Forms abstract into beings, habitats and hybrids, environments and landscapes, telling stories of taking up space, of spreading out and giving up, of power/lessness and presence, of drawing a line and joining in, of staying behind and moving on. The dance piece is aimed at young and old and is dedicated to the multifaceted difficulties of human coexistence.


For this new production Marion Dieterle collaborates with the dancers Oleg Kaufmann (Recherswil, CH) and Bryce Kasson (Cologne, D /Columbus, USA). And so two dance personalities meet who in their work, physically and with imagination, deal with "problem situations" with virtuosity. The new piece is aimed at young and old and is dedicated to the difficulties of human coexistence and the fear of being displaced. In the process, the sphere of action of humanness is treated as a lived space, an interweaving of social, mental and physical space. Again and again Marion Dieterle poses the questions of how we find our place in the world and how we negotiate it. In confronting these questions in the context of creation, even more questions opened up. The team was inspired by Yi-Fu Tuan, a humanist geographer.

«Place is security, space is freedom: we are attached to the one and long for the other.»
Yi-Fu Tuan: Space and Place. The Perspective of Experience


"Precisely timed, plus poetically and whimsically staged - a piece with wit, highly distinct, in which there is much to experience." (Marion Klötzer in the Badische Zeitung from 01.02.2020)


Production: DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry  |  Artistic direction, Choreography & Drawings:

Marion Dieterle | Outside Eye & Company Training: Tobias M. Draeger | Dance & Creation: Oleg Kaufmann, Bryce Kasson | Music: Ralf Freudenberger, Bryce Kasson | Objects & Costumes: Julia Stefanovici | Lighting: Filip Jacobson | Production Management: Monika Kozaczka  | Film Documentation: Julia Franken, Cecilia Gläsker-Venn  | Photos: Ingo Solms |

Graphic Design: Peter Steinmetz

A DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry production promoted by Kulturamt Stadt Freiburg, Kulturamt Stadt Köln, Landesverband freie Tanz- und Theatererschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg, Ministry of Culture and Science of NRW, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Kanton Solothurn. Supported by iDAS nrw, TAMTAMproduktion (CH), Draeger u. Co., Fort Willy, BTS (Beneath The Surface) Solothurn (CH), E-Werk Freiburg, Südufer Freiburg, l'association du Château de Monthelon and ehrenfeldstudios Cologne.


Special thanks to: Florian und Albert Patschovsky, David Komander, Dieterle family,  Kaufmann family, Olivia Platzer, Uschi D.Hose

Performance Edition

HAUSEN - DWELL- the perforrmance edition for theatres, studios, galleries, backyards and exhibiton spaces.

Dance, objects and drawings - performance and drawings by Marion Dieterle with felt objects by Julia Stefanovici. Forms abstract into beings, habitats and hybrids, environments and landscapes, telling stories of taking up space, of spreading out and giving up, of power/lessness and presence, of drawing a line and joining in, of staying behind and moving on. 


Special thanks to: Föderprogramm #takecare des Fonds Darstellende Künste

© 2016 DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry/Marion Dieterle

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