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DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry

Since 2006, under the name "DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry”, Marion Dieterle has been producing her own choreographic works, focusing on the theme of physicality—the body— in contemporary social spaces. With sociological sensibility, she performatively and at the same time playfully intertwines awareness patterns of body and space with both lived and construed categories of the self and its environments. She plays with the idea of transferring „two-dimensional“ perceptions, drawings and sketches into objects, projections and/or sound in three-dimensional (dance-) space.

In her work as a choreographer Marion Dieterle sees dance as a medium. Her productions lead the spectator into a familiar but nonetheless strange world. They are always anchored in our reality from which they unfold their own specific abstraction of reality. Her choreographic productions are created in close cooperation with the contemporary composer and musician Ralf Freudenberger.

With “(This is) Cliff” she was one of the winners of the 2019 Dance and Theater Award of the City of Stuttgart and the State of Baden-Württemberg. The production “Flesh and Dolls” was nominated for the 2012 Cologne Dance and Theatre Award. With “Moving Home” she attracted attention as a promising young choreographer at the 2013 MAD Festival Köln, the 2015 Festival tanz nrw, “now & next” in the tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf,  “first steps” – the Festival Series of the Fabrik Heeder in Krefeld as well as at tanz.punkt Köln. In Germany her work enjoys continuous institutional relationships, particularly in Baden-Württemberg, with Tanzbiennale Heidelberg, the 2015 Frauenperspektiven Festival Karlsruhe, the Internationales Tanz- und Theaterfestival Freiburg and the E-Werk Freiburg.In 2015 Marion Dieterle was an Associated Artist with Silke Z./resistdance, Cologne and is supported by iDAS nrw - International Dance Artist Service (at tanzhaus nrw). As part of ehrenfeldstudios e.V. (Cologne) she is committed to diversity in contemporary dance art.

Since 2019 drawing has been emphasized as an important aspect of her work, through her collaboration as one of the artists of Studio Komander Cologne.



      ·    Help yourself to bit of space!

           (Premiere November 2019)

      ·    (This is) Cliff (premiere November 2017)

      ·    Before Morning – in cooperation with Overhead Project                and Reut Shemesh (premiere July 2016)

      ·    CHICKS.  (premiere February 2016)

      ·    My Body, My Choice… (premiere October 2014) 

      ·    BLACK (music video 2013)

      ·    Moving Home (premiere November 2013) 

      ·    Flesh and Dolls (premiere January 2012) 

      ·    Flugzeichen – FLYSPOR / Flight Signs

          (premiere October 2009)

      ·    Sympathy for Longing (premiere October 2006) 

© 2016 DOSSIER 3-D-Poetry/Marion Dieterle

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